If you're looking for the perfect venue for your child's next birthday, look no further. Plan your party with Carteret Partnership for Children. Starting in mid-July, we're opening up our Story Explorers' Playroom for 2-hour slots on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.....find one that works for you.
Rental fee for the space is $150 and includes:
* 2 hours of play in the playroom and playground
* Up to 10 children (additional fees apply for more than 10)
* Use of office tables and chairs
* Use of office refrigerator and freezer
* Party Host
You can register and pay at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45AEAD2CA6F9C52-birthday. We ask that you reserve at least one month in advance.
For more information, please contact the Partnership office at (252) 727-0440.